domenica 31 gennaio 2016


ok, I do not know what is going on
between you two or if anything is
going on at all
I hope I have not caused any trouble
but I need to be clear
angel, I have always tried to be honest
and direct with you do you remember?
I immediately wrote to you
when you entered the ‘game’
at the very beginning and since then I have
always tried to be honest
I do not know why you decided
to fool me with all those dates
and numbers, that was not nice at all 
especially after all the
things the three of us have been through
now I do not really feel like
talking to you
I am angry
and I am sorry if I was
a bit drastic in what I wrote
but I was really hurt
I could not believe it
and if you are still wondering
what I would like to do
it is to be with him
spend even only one night with him
and do you know what could happen?
well, we could even just stay in bed and stare
at each other all night long
or drink and talk about literature
I do not know
it does not have to be sex at any cost
I only know that what me and him
have is very special
do you know how he got my attention
the first time?
through my father’s death
(and please remember that this
is constantly in my mind, it is a huge loss
I still have not been able to deal with properly)
and in his marvellous way to do things
he mended some of the pain
I was suffering from
and caressed my heart
not even my brother or my best friends
could do that
and I will never ever forget it
angel, you have been very nice and romantic
and I cried when I listened to that song
but that was a beginning
I have already told you that
and when I wrote that poem for you
spending a whole day trying to find
the right words
you did not say anything
these kind of things
leave a mark
now it is late
now I need to be with him 
and what I am asking you
is a bit of respect
for me and him
thanks in advance 

ps - in case both of you were wondering if I am posting anything on the book full of faces, I am not, I am not posting things hidden from you, I just do not feel like being there much. If I post, it will be public. And one last thing, angel, there is going to be a cartoon of mine posted soon on the web, which has the term 'wings' in it, I drew it more than a month ago, it has nothing to do with you or us, just ot be clear.


sono apparsi
diversi orari
che sembrano ruotare
attorno ad un
lasso di tempo
abbiamo tempo
mio vulcanico
non c'è da allarmarsi
solo ingegnarsi
per parlarsi
un bacio

dirty dancing

Boy: Just remember
You're the one thing
Girl: I can't get enough of
Boy: So I'll tell you something
Both: This could be love


Tarantata, fonte

il pensiero di te
in questo giorno
ha saputo donarmi
un nuovo stato
di lacrimemozioni
oltre alle
molte escoriazioni
non so cosa
tu ora
voglia fare
ora che io
sono un mostro
non protetto
se ancora
sappi che
il giorno
l'ho compreso
per il resto
al peso
della creatura
da me


Forest witch di Nerium Oleanders.

a me non piace
specie se si tratta
di una persona 
alla quale
sono legata
non so quale sia
il motivo
del tuo prendermi in giro
angelo mio
ma è stato
un pugnalarmi
al petto
che ha ammazzato
la fanciulla
ilare e battagliera
e risvegliato
la fattucchiera

sabato 30 gennaio 2016


  Dead Angel by Deanse.

e l'angelo morì
divorato dalla sua
stessa bile
in una
ma munita
di fauci
che presero
a staccare
la sua carne
a grossi morsi
con violenza
e veemenza
anche le sue ossa
era egli stato
un pensiero soave
un forse
ad un tratto
un mai più


Carla Fracci in Giselle.

please do not think
that what I wrote
in tonight's chant
has anything to do
with you
or this blog
rereading it
I have noticed
some parts may
be ambiguous
and I changed them
my anger
has nothing to do with
you two
or this space
it has to do with the place
where I live
and the people
populating it
and the difficulty to
do some decent research
for a precarious scholar like me
so do not
pay much attention to it




nobody cares
few understand

the provincial
where I live
kills every good
of knowledge
and delight

it is the place
the incapable thrive
the capable die 

the battle continues
but don't ask me
to appreciate
that desolate region
I barely tolerate
its rotten legion

venerdì 29 gennaio 2016

bad day

Mimicry by Remedios Varo.

Today has been a strange day
sorry I did not get your hint
I have the feeling something
but am not quite sure
what was exactly
I had a bad day
because of a project 
that did not go well
and am not
in a great mood
so forgive me
if I understood both of you
the day you suggest
is the day before
saint valentine
(or is it the day before that?)
please confirm
neither of them are ideal for me
but will try to get organised
I will not come to any event
do not want to recreate 
any surreal atmosphere
where we cannot talk
or interact
but will probably arrive
at dinner time
or even later
if you prefer
let me know
what time 
were you thinking of
and where
have a nice evening


in principio

 La sposa nella tempesta, foto di Heather Liebensohn.

in principio fu il dì
della settimana
a cui seguì
la data
l'ora e il luogo
della scampagnata
il mese
deve essere quello attiguo
ché l'attesa non può che
essere breve
per dare all'animo
un respiro lieve
se questo giuoco
vi ha tediato
facciamo fagotto
e lasciamolo nel passato

The Chariot

Among the Major Arcana, The Chariot, which is card number seven, is a peculiar and mystical card. It has to do with moving forward and, at the same time, with working to keep one's own inner and outer balance intact. It deals with courage, determination and danger, because it takes enormous courage to embark on a journey, as it takes a strong determination to doing it and an acute awareness that is can also be dangerous. But what is danger compared to the excitement of a journey!

Martha Graham in Imperial Gesture

Martha Graham in Imperial Gesture.


Martha Graham was one of the main representatives of modern dance, a type of concert dance born in Germany and the United States between the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth century. It incorporated different dance approaches and techniques that often focused on the torso and expressivity. It also struggled to be considered an art form, as it moved away from the concept of dance as entertainment, like ballet and vaudeville. New York was one of its main centres but finding spaces where to perform was not easy as many theatres housed plays or musicals during the week. That is why many modern dance concerts began to take place on Sunday, the “dark night”, the night during which theatres were supposed to be closed by a city law (it was also known as the Sabbath code).